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Flu Research Institute finishes pre-clinical tests of its COVID-19 vaccine

The Russian health ministry’s Smorodintsev Flu Research Institute has finished pre-clinical tests of its own coronavirus vaccine and plans to begin trials on volunteers...

Vladimir Rusinov: the Virus is Rapidly Mutating

Vladimir Rusinov, the Head of the Laboratory of Organic Synthesis of Ural Federal University, Corresponding Member of RAS, one of the creators of Triazavirin,...

COVID-19 convalescent plasma did not prevent the progression of the disease

The trial was conducted by the SIREN clinical trials network and enrolled more than 500 participants.

A combination between AstraZeneca and Sputnik Light demonstrates high immunogenicity profile

Clinical trials in Azerbaijan began in February 2021. To date 64 volunteers have been vaccinated, the enrollment of volunteers is ongoing.

One shot Sputnik Light has high safety and 93.5% efficacy against COVID

The heterogeneous boosting approach was at the core of Sputnik V, the world’s first registered vaccine against coronavirus.

No deaths linked to EpiVacCorona vaccine registered in Russia

EpiVacCorona is a single-dose synthetic peptide vaccine against COVID-19 developed by the Vector State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology.

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