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Production of Sputnik V abroad will be up to 6 mln doses a month from July

The production of Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine abroad will amount to 5-6 million doses per month from July, Russian Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov said at a meeting with Federation Council Chairperson Valentina Matvienko.

To date, technologically everything is ready and starting from July, judging by the plans of enterprises, it will be possible to ensure the production of up to 30 million doses of Sputnik V alone. As for additional production abroad, then this is still about 5-6 mln doses, the minister said.

According to Manturov, Russia is now completing the delivery of almost 37 mln double doses of the vaccine in compliance with the previously reached agreements. Via the Russian Direct Investment Fund, the authorities established a mechanism for using foreign sites, where the substance for the production of vaccines is sent to, the minister said.

Sputnik V has a number of key advantages:

  • Efficacy of Sputnik V is 97.6% based on the analysis of data on the coronavirus infection rate among those in Russia vaccinated with both components of Sputnik V from December 5, 2020 to March 31, 2021;
  • The Sputnik V vaccine is based on a proven and well-studied platform of human adenoviral vectors, which cause the common cold and have been around for thousands of years.
  • Sputnik V uses two different vectors for the two shots in a course of vaccination, providing immunity with a longer duration than vaccines using the same delivery mechanism for both shots.
  • The safety, efficacy and lack of negative long-term effects of adenoviral vaccines have been proven by more than 250 clinical studies over two decades.
  • There are no strong allergies caused by Sputnik V.
  • The storage temperature of Sputnik V at +2+8 C means it can be stored in a conventional refrigerator without any need to invest in additional cold-chain infrastructure.
  • The price of Sputnik V is less than $10 per shot, making it affordable around the world.

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